We all know that Twilight and Harry Potter have been competing over which one has the bigger fan base or most loyal fans right? But they are two completely different movie and book series. Harry Potter was obviously written first then Twilight. Harry Potter is about a boy who is born a wizard but had no idea till he turned 12 and realized that a dark wizard (Voldemort) was after him. Twilight is about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and gets her self in a world of trouble. One book is about fantasy and another is about love. We shouldn’t be competing about two different types of books! But then people ask which is more powerful and popular a wizard or a vampire?

Powers: each vampire gets different powers for example: they could be a shield, they could be super strong, they could create electricity and electrocute someone or they could see the future, the list goes on and on.
Disadvantages: They can get killed if they going into the werewolves land. They sparkle when the light touches them. This can be a disadvantage because when they are trying to blend in with humans. It won't seem very human like if they look like thy’re made out of crystals. They thirst for human blood so if there are humans around they won’t be able to control themselves until they master how to not attack humans.
Enemies: there are a numbers of dangers for vampires but their enemies are werewolves and Vultorie. Werewolves banished vampires from their land a long time ago because they were different and they drank blood. Voltorie control the system and are not an enemy unless you break the rules.
Personality: vampires are very conservative around humans because they don’t age they wouldn’t be able to make friends with humans otherwise they will wonder why you don’t age. This is why vampires have to travel a lot. When you become a vampire your looks are perfected. Each vampire has a different personality so like humans each vampire has different characteristics.
Dangerousness: vampires can be extremely dangerous if they live off human blood or are newborns. When created newborns are extremely dangerous because they are unbelievably strong and thirst for blood all the time. Vampires can run extremely fast so they could easily catch a human and drink their blood. Some vampires turn to animal blood instead of human blood.
Author: Stephanie Meyer is the author of the Twilight series. Stephenie Meyer came up with Twilight after she had a dream. When she woke up she just stayed in bed thinking about the dream then suddenly got up and started writing about the characters on her laptop. Stephanie Meyer wrote through late at night and during the day when she could. After three months she finished her first book Twilight. Twilight was 2005’s most talked about book. Three more books later Stephenie Meyer was a world known writer. Her books sold millions of copies and turned into movies.
Characters: the main characters of the Twilight series are Edward Cullen, Bella Throne and Jacob. The other characters (the co main characters) like the rest of the Cullens are Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme. There are a whole bunch of cast members but they mainly have minor roles.
Powers: wizards do not exactly have powers but they do have wands. With the voice of the right wizard spells can be cast. The wizard cannot choose its wand only the wand can choose its controller. Wizards can do an assortment of spells with their wand, which makes them extremely powerful. The creation of wand is very complex. They pick out different objects for the core for example unicorn hair, dragon heartstring and for the outside it would be made out of different woods. So as you can tell for the core it contains a lot of power.
Disadvantages: a disadvantage for a wizard would be if their wand breaks in the middle of a duel or fighting someone for self-defence. Another disadvantage and danger for wizards is Lord Voldemort and his army that keeps rising. Another disadvantage is muggles. If muggles found out that there were wizards living in their world for part of the time that would make chaos. Wizards are different to muggles so if they were caught doing something odd that would bea risk to the wizard’s identity.
Enemies: enemies to wizards are the dark Lord (Voldemort) and his army. Wizards have the same dangers in their world, as we do, like mugging, stealing, murdering and other crimes that happen in our world.
Personality: just like us wizards have there own personality. They could be happy at times sad at times it just depends what sort of wizard (person) they are. Wizards do have odd ways of doing things but to them is extremely normal. Just like us they have bad people and good people in their world. Wizards have a particular way of doing things like travelling through chimneys which is called travelling by the flu network. They have magical bits and bobs around their house.
Dangerousness: no doubt wizards could be dangerous if they wanted to. They always have defensive spells to use when danger strikes and even some use the power for bad. Wizards could make potions ,for example, in The Half Blood Prince, Remilda Vain sent harry a love potion hidden in chocolates which Ron accidently ate and he fell very ill and nearly died.
Author: JK Rowling’s wrote the harry potter series. The idea came to her when she was on a train. JK Rowling’s is one of the most famous authors in the world and made millions over Harry Potter. JK Rowling felt that she knew the characters as she wrote Harry Potter. After her first Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) producers made into an amazing movie, which was world known.
Characters: the main character of the books was of course Harry Potter but the other main characters are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. There are so many characters throughout the series.
So in the end we all know that Twilight and Harry Potter are two different types of books and don’t need to be competing about which one is better because they are both amazing books and should be read for enjoyment.
So.... Vampire or Wizard? Think wizards are cooler myself as it's something they have to learn and work at as opposed to being 'given to them'.