Are the Harry Potter Books Better Than the Movies

The Harry Potter book series was created in 1997 by the author JK Rowling.  The Harry Potter movies first started in 2001.  In 2011, 450 million Harry Potter books were sold and still are selling. The movies sold more than 1 billion copies in all.   The movies by far made more money but it does not mean the books are not better. The Harry Potter books let you imagine and form your own representation of the characters.  I am not doubting how unbelievably great the choice of cast member’s were for the movies ,however, once you read the books there is no arguing that they are better.  JK Rowling put so much adventure and detail into her books.  Every little detail is observed and explained.
The creation of Harry Potter all started when JK Rowling was on a crowded train.  She explained that the idea just came to her without any thought.  Everyone knows that the Harry Potter popularity would not be where it is today without the movies but Wouldn’t you want to read a book that was picked by famous producers to be created into an extraordinary film?  Wouldn’t you want read how it all started for Harry?  Yes movies are exciting to watch but aren’t books exciting to read? Just think about it, in a movie you can’t wait for the twists and turns just like in books you can’t wait to read what happens next right?  Then in movies you can’t wait to see what your character is going to do next.

 if you have been reading the Harry Potter series for while you get a certain expectation of what your character looks like so when a producer decides to make a movie of the book you have been reading, your whole characters profile is ruined. In movies you’re forced to see what the characters look like. for some people this can be a huge disappointment if you have started to relate to the character. for example a girl in primary school getting bullied for the way she does her hair or that her nose is too small. then she finds the Harry Potter books in her school library and relates to the character hermione granger because hermione is similar to her she has bushy fuzzy brown hair and big teeth and gets teased for being smart. then when a movie comes out a pretty actress (emma watson) plays hermione and this girl is devastated. she thought she found a character that relates to her but now she feels horrible again because the characters profile is ruined and now she has expectations of herself to improve the way she looks.
No doubt, Harry Potter opens children’s minds to a whole new world of magic, but wouldn’t you think the books would have to be original, fantastic and best sellers to be created into a big budget movie?  I THINK SO!  Each new instalment in the Harry Potter series was highly anticipated by children and adults around the world.  Surely, without the readers Harry Potter wouldn’t be where it is today.  

Its a fantastic thing to use your imagination for educational and fun purposes. when you read its like a workout for your brain for example when we run our legs get stronger and our stomach gets flatter so when your brain is focusing and concentrating on reading we can read faster, understand a variety of words and we can get a whole lot smarter. so when you get smarter you get good marks in school and when you get good marks in school you graduate and when you graduate you go to good university and then you get a good job which then leads you to  earn good money, so do you see what reading does for your brain?
The Harry Potter book series is a series that you need to know what is going on in the characters heads. It’s so much easier to read what their thinking then trying to work it out on the screen. In Harry Potter Harry always has thoughts running through his head. It’s so easy to understand him when you read the books and take your time to read what is circling through his head. In the movies yes they have voice overs to explain what Harry is thinking but they don’t have time to explain every detail that is going through his mind. In a book you spend days reading it, with a movie it lasts 2 hours then its done. You don’t have time to think about what the characters are going to do next, its very unpredictable and sometimes the ending ends up being a disappointment and ruining the whole series for you.
Although you think you know all about Harry Potter by watching the movies YOU DON’T! In the Harry Potter movie series they miss out little details here and there and as I said before Harry Potter is built up on every little detail so in actual fact there is a lot you don’t know about Harry Potter if you didn’t read the books. For starters the fourth book (goblet of fire) they cut out Winky the house elf which in the book series she is a vital source concerning Barty crouch and his son.  Another example is from the book is when Harry competes for the triwizard cup and the judges scores are completely ignored till the last challenge. Even then the last challenge is very different from the movies challenge. In the book there are magical creatures and enchantments yet in the movie there are no beasts and there are only a couple of enchantments.
The Harry Potter books are the roots to the movies, and should never be forgotten. When kids and adults think of Harry Potter the first thing that should come to their mind should be the Harry Potter books not the movies.

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